+44 (0)1488 73322

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Welcome to the home of Stance Equitec UK and Boomerang Nutrition, supplying effective natural products for horses and dogs. Centred around the benefits of coconut oil, we believe in simple feeding of high-quality products for happy, healthy animals.
Feeding For TheNatural Advantage
Feeding For The
Natural Advantage
Our products all contain natural ingredients and are centred on the benefits of coconut oil. We have been importing copra meal since 1999 in the form of our most popular product, CoolStance Copra. It’s high in fibre, low in sugar and starch, and that is just some of the reasons our customers love it so much. Take a closer look at our full range of products below or read more about how CoolStance Copra could benefit your horse.
Equine & Canine Products
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Know Us
We’re a small team who are keen to provide not only effective products for your horses but a knowledgeable and personal approach to your questions. Our priority is to provide premium, natural products and helpful information making sure your horses and dogs are happy and healthy.
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CoolStance CopraNon-Heating Horse Feed
CoolStance Copra
Non-Heating Horse Feed
The proud discovery of the use of coconut co-products for equines by Stance saw the popularity of our CoolStance Copra grow. CoolStance is the only natural, non-GMO, low NSC (sugar and starch) feed that is safe to feed to horses to support normal insulin metabolism.
It’s this, combined with the fact that it’s high in fibre, low in sugars, starch and completely natural, that has meant Coolstance Copra is a popular and staple part of many horses’ diets. Made from the white part of the coconut Copra meal is naturally high in conditioning oils as well as being cereal and grain free.
Customer Reviews AboutBoomerang Nutrition
Customer Reviews About
Boomerang Nutrition